Arthur Endreze
- LE ROI DE LAHORE Promesse de mon avenir
- ROMÉO ET JULIETTE Ballade de la reine Mab
- ROMÉO ET JULIETTE Que l'hymne nuptial
- FAUST Avant de quitter
- FAUST Mort de Valentin
- LES PÊCHEURS DE PERLES L'orage s'est calmé
- HÉRODIADE Vision fugitive
- HÉRODIADE Salomé, demande au prisonnier
- LAKMÉ Lakmé, ton doux regard
- SIGURD Et toi, Freia
- SAMSON ET DALILA Maudite à jamais
- THAIS Voilà donc la terrible
- THAIS Duo de l'oasis (con Y. Gall)
- LA DAMNATION DE FAUST Voici des roses
- PATRIE Pauvre martyr
- GUERCOEUR Ou suis-je
- GUERCOEUR Le calme rentre dans mon coeur
- LE ROI ARTHUS Pommiers verts
Con orchestra
Henri Defosse, François Ruhlmann
Cantabile Subito: "There is neither roundness nor brilliance in his voice (as we know from Italian baritones), but his is a warm and highly individual instrument of a velvety quality in the upper register. Particularly in the lyrical parts, you can hear his perfect mezza voce and his great ability to sing with inner emotion. He articulates each phrase with a feeling for the particular color that helps to illuminate its meaning. Endrèze had a perfect French pronunciation (all the more remarkable for a native American) and, when listening to him, you will know what French diction is about. His Hérode, Hamlet and Athanaël - not to forget his song recordings - are wonderful examples of French singing art. Arthur Endrèze is a favorite baritone of mine because of his entirely personal and sensual approach to music." (Andrea Shum-Binder)