Lucrezia - Mariella Devia
Gennaro - Giuseppe Filianoti
Duca Alfonso - Alex Esposito
Orsini - Marianna Pizzolato
Orchestra Filarmonica Marchigiana, Coro Lirico Marchigiano 'V Bellini'
Marco Guidarini
Registrazione dal vivo / live recording, Ancona 2010
GRAMOPHONE: "The part of Lucrezia is brilliantly taken by the veteran Mariella Devia. Her opening romanza, 'Com'e bello!', which she sings as she gazes at the sleeping Gennaro, is both tender and joyful...Pizzolato is excellent [as Orsini]."
INTERNATIONAL RECORD REVIEW: "In the title role, Devia, now in her sixties, sounds a decade strain, no wobble, no rawness, no shortness of breath...given her natural resources, her pointed diction, impeccable timing and agility, Devia is splendid...[Filianoti's] youthful, bright sound is precisely right for the part and he sings with taste and feeling...the ensembles are flawlessly kept in line by conductor Marco Guidarini, who has a wonderful sense of bel canto line as well."